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Capcom Unveils Akuma Dlc For Street Fighter 6


Capcom Unveils Akuma DLC for Street Fighter 6

Release Date, Trailer, and Gameplay Details

Capcom has released new information about the upcoming DLC character for Street Fighter 6, Akuma. The long-awaited character will be available on August 16th and will be accompanied by a major balance patch for all SF6 characters.

A trailer showcasing Akuma's gameplay was also released, featuring his signature moves such as the Gohadoken, Shakunetsu Hadoken, and Tatsumaki Zankukyaku. Akuma also has a new command list and frame data has been released.

In addition to the gameplay details, Capcom also revealed Akuma's voice clips and theme song for SF6. The character's voice will be provided by Akio ÅŒtsuka, who has voiced Akuma in previous Street Fighter games.

